TrueCare Dentistry Blog

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Is More Effective Than Over-the-Counter Kits

August 27, 2020

woman admiring her smile in hand mirror after professional teeth whitening

Everyone wants to have a bright, attractive smile. Unfortunately, most people’s teeth will naturally darken over time, whether as a result of aging, tobacco use, or drinking too much coffee, tea, or wine. If your pearly whites have lost some of their luster, you may have tried over-the-counter teeth whitening gels, strips, mouthwashes, or toothpastes to improve their color. More often than not, though, these products simply don’t provide the beautiful results you were hoping for. If you really want to achieve a bright smile, you’re better off seeking professional teeth whitening treatment from your dentist. Here’s why.


3 Types of Tooth Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

July 16, 2020

Woman experiencing tooth pain

Imagine this: as you go through your morning routine, you make a mental checklist of the things you need to do today. The first item on the agenda is brewing your first cup of coffee. After grabbing your favorite mug and leaning in to take your first sip, you feel your shoulders relax and smell the delicious aroma filling your home. The start of your day is nearly picturesque, until you feel a surge of pain stemming from your problem tooth. Mental note: add a dental appointment to the checklist.

If this scenario sounds all too familiar, then it is time to schedule a visit to your dentist’s office. Read on for three types of tooth pain that shouldn’t be ignored and why you should schedule an emergency appointment as soon as possible.


8 Healthy Children’s Snack Substitutions for Cavity-Causing Foods

June 18, 2020

Happy child eating her lunch at school

Did you know that over 40% of children between the ages of 2 and 11 have cavities? Unfortunately, the shocking statistics don’t stop there. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a whopping 90% of Americans have had at least one cavity by their 21st birthday. To protect your favorite smile from becoming a part of these statistics, it is important to prioritize prevention tactics. In addition to a solid brushing and flossing routine, try using the below snack substitutions for cavity-causing foods!


Is It Time to Replace Your Toothbrush?

May 18, 2020

Old and new toothbrush standing side-by-sideWhen was the last time you took a close look at your toothbrush? If you inspect it and discover that the bristles are flattened, frayed, or discolored, they may not be cleaning your smile as well as you think they are. In fact, dental experts have found that using a toothbrush past its prime can lead to noticeable oral health issues. Here’s when your Mesquite dentist recommends replacing your toothbrush, and what could happen to your smile if you don’t.


5 Qualities to Look for in an Emergency Dentist

April 7, 2020

older man with toothache who needs emergency dentist

Having to choose an emergency dentist is never anyone’s idea of fun. It means that either you or someone you love is hurting and needs to get out of that pain as soon as possible. To get the treatment you need, it’s important to pick the right dentist, though. To help you make that decision, here are five qualities you should look for in an emergency dentist.


How Are Dental Practices Keeping Patients Safe During COVID-19?

March 6, 2020

dentist sanitizing tools for COVID-19Even though most people are self-isolating, it can still be scary to go out in public to complete necessary tasks or receive emergency healthcare. The threat of COVID-19 is prevalent, which is why the CDC has recommended a standard set of precautionary guidelines for all professionals to take, including dental practices and other care providers. If you need emergency treatment during these unsure times, you can rest assured that professionals are doing everything in their power to keep their staff and patients safe. Read on to learn about the preventive measures they’re taking to stop the spread of COVID-19. (more…)

How to Get Your Child to Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

February 2, 2020

little boy holding toothbrush in dental chair

For you, the month of February might be all about trying to find the perfect gift or plan the perfect date for your significant other. For your child, however, it’s something else entirely; something arguably even more important. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. That means it’s a perfect opportunity to learn about how to implement good dental hygiene habits into your child’s life. Here are a few easy ways you can do that.


4 Tips to Care for Your Oral Health During Cold and Flu Season

January 5, 2020

woman blowing her nose

Have you ever been sick, then brushed your teeth and instantly felt a little better? When you have a clean and healthy mouth, you automatically start to feel a little less sick. During cold and flu season, this can be a lifesaver. However, keeping up with your oral health during this time of year involves more than just brushing your teeth. Here are four tips to survive cold and flu season with your dental health in good shape.


Does Toothpaste Go Bad? Which Dental Product Expiration Dates Matter

December 7, 2019

New toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, mouthwashHave you ever found an unopened tube of toothpaste while cleaning out your bathroom? Aside from being a little dusty it looks perfectly fine, and you don’t see a “best by” date on it anywhere. Does that mean it’s safe to use? Dental products like toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash don’t have an expiration date printed on them, but they do show the date they were manufactured. And like an expiration date, each dental product is only good for so long after that date. They may not go bad in the same way that foods and drinks do, but that doesn’t always mean dental products are safe to use after they’ve expired. Read on to learn more about the expiration dates on dental products you use every day and which ones matter the most for your oral health.


Bruxism: The Impact Stress Has on Your Oral Health

November 26, 2019

stressed person sitting on their couch After a stressful day of planning holiday dinners for dozens of people and going all-out on decorating your house for the season, the time crunch of getting everything you need done before your family arrives from all around the country is stressful. When you lay your head on your pillow at the end of the night to fall asleep, your body is still tense, and the built-up tension from the day can manifest into harmful conditions like bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching. Read on to learn how to protect your oral health from the stress of the holidays. (more…)