How To Make the Most of Your Veneers

September 19, 2024

A closeup of a smiling woman's teeth.

Veneers aren’t just a financial investment, they’re an investment in your appearance and your oral health, too. As such, you probably want to make the most of your money and your new look. If you’ve made the choice to improve your smile with the help of veneers, here are some useful tips to help you extend their life and maximize their value!

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin porcelain ‘shells’ that fit over your healthy teeth to change their color, shape, and/or size. They can cover stains or discoloration, chips, uneven wear, or make “too small” or “too short” teeth look larger. They can be customized to be the natural-looking shade of white of your choice, and they are durable, so you can still enjoy the same foods you’ve always loved.

How Are Veneers Applied?

To get veneers, your dentist will first remove a very thin layer of enamel from your teeth. Next, he or she will create impressions of your teeth, and fit you with temporary veneers. The impressions will then be sent to a dental lab, where your permanent prosthetics will be crafted, and once complete they will be sent back to your dentist to be attached.

When you return for your application appointment, your dentist will make sure they fit your teeth properly and make any necessary adjustments. They will then be cemented in place onto your teeth, and you will be free to go home and show off your dazzling new smile!

How Do I Care for Veneers?

Veneers require no special maintenance. In fact, you can care for them similarly to how you cared for your teeth before your treatment. The only difference is that with veneers, you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Continue flossing and visiting your dentist twice a year for your semi-annual cleanings and exams.

As far as eating goes, you can still enjoy the foods you love, however be sure to avoid crunching into anything too hard, like ice cubes. Furthermore, don’t ever use your teeth for anything but food (this applies to teeth without veneers too!).

Can I Stain or Damage My Veneers?

Yes. While veneers are made of a durable, stain-resistant porcelain, they still can stain or break. Thus, it is important that you not smoke, and if you do eat or drink anything dark or that could cause stains, be sure to brush your teeth soon afterwards. Also, it’s important to understand that you can still get cavities with veneers, so don’t neglect your oral health.

Though rare, it is possible for your veneers to crack, break, or come off. If this happens, collect any pieces and contact your dentist as soon as possible. There is a possibility it can be repaired, or in some cases you may need to order a new one. With proper care they can last up to 20 years, but be aware, however, that they are a lifetime commitment, so you will need to replace them when the time comes.

Remember, veneers can help you create a beautiful, healthy smile in as little as two appointments, but in order to keep them looking as good as day one, you’ll need to take proper care of them. To learn more about veneers, speak to your dentist today!

About Dr. Rana

Dr. Dhavalkumar Rana is proud to provide top-quality oral health care to his community. He has taken a keen interest in preventive dentistry and minimally invasive care. Educated at the prestigious New York University, Dr. Rana is a current member of the Texas Dental Association, American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and the American Academy of Clear Aligners.