TrueCare Dentistry Blog

Studies Show That Your Child’s Oral Health Could Affect Their Academic Performance

August 5, 2024

Children huddling in a circle and smiling down at camera view

It’s true – recent research shows that your child’s oral health can impact their school performance. Now that classes are back in session, that’s a pretty important discovery! Getting off on the right foot will help set the tone for your little student’s semester, and a checkup and cleaning with your pediatric dentist could be just the ticket. Keep reading to learn more. And don’t worry, there won’t be a pop quiz at the end.


Kickback, Relax – And Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign this Summer!

June 10, 2024

Woman tilting her head back on beach, smiling and relaxed

For many of us, summer represents a season of relaxation – and for good reason! Our hectic schedules calm down, it’s warm enough to enjoy the restorative outdoors, and time itself seems to slow down.

How would you feel about adding some multitasking to your schedule? Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting anything crazy. On the contrary, with Invisalign aligners, you can straighten your teeth while lounging in your favorite hammock spot. Keep reading to see why summer is a great time to start this alignment treatment.


Invisalign Care: What to Do and Not Do

June 3, 2024

Woman smiling while holding up her Invisalign

Invisalign aligners might seem like a miracle tool. They can straighten your teeth in a low-profile, comfortable way. However, there’s definitely a right and wrong way to take care of them! Just because they are a fantastic alignment solution doesn’t mean that they’re invincible.

To make sure your Invisalign trays last, stay invisible, and deliver desirable results, take note of these do’s and don’ts.


What is the Best Denture Adhesive?

May 17, 2024

Cream adhesive being applied to a dentureAdvanced technology and new materials allow dentures to look and feel more realistic than ever before. Your denture will fit your mouth like a glove, only needing suction to stay in place. However, there are times when you might feel more confident with extra stability. A denture adhesive can prevent your dentures from moving around. Although it’s not something you want to rely on, here’s how to choose the best denture adhesive for your situation.


Can I Brush My Dentures While They’re Still in My Mouth?

May 7, 2024

Someone brushing their teeth

Modern dentures are incredibly realistic. They look and feel just like your real teeth, particularly when you first get them and they fit well. In fact, it can sometimes be easy to forget that these dentures aren’t actually your real teeth!

That being the case, you might wonder whether it’s possible to clean your dentures like your real teeth, brushing them while they’re in your mouth. If you’re curious about that prospect, here’s what you should know.


Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t Just for Celebrities

April 14, 2024

Smiling woman pointing to her mouthIf you’re embarrassed by your teeth, you’re not alone. Thankfully, you don’t have to live with the imperfections. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a flawless smile to be proud of. Contrary to what you might have heard, you don’t have to be rich to afford it. Cosmetic dentistry is affordable for people from all walks of life, thanks to the diversity of treatments available. Here are a few ways you can revamp your pearly whites without it costing you an arm or a leg.


Oral Hygiene Tips for Sensory Issues

April 1, 2024

Young girl in dentist’s chairAccording to the World Health Organization, 1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder. Children on the spectrum can face various challenges from sensory issues, including dental problems. Although their teeth and facial features are often no different, children on the spectrum have an increased risk of poor oral health for various reasons. With dental and general health connected, here are a few tips to help your little one keep their mouth healthy, despite sensory sensitivity and other challenges.


Can I Still Need a Root Canal if I’m Not in Pain?

March 13, 2024

Lady thinks something over

While a severe, throbbing toothache is often a sign that you need a root canal, you may still need one even if your tooth feels fine. Dentists use root canals to eliminate dental infections that have spread to the pulp at the center of the tooth. While these infections often cause the nerves within the pulp to send pain signals to the brain, not every infection will have this result. Here’s why you may still need a root canal if your tooth feels fine.


National Dentist’s Day: Show Your Dentist You Appreciate Them!

March 1, 2024

Dentist treating a patient during a checkup and cleaning

March 6th is National Dentist’s Day. It’s a time to show appreciation for the oral health professionals who work hard to ensure that their patients are able to go through life with beautiful, healthy smiles. If you’ve never observed National Dentist’s Day before, now is a great chance to change that! Here’s why your dentist is worth celebrating and what you can do to show your thanks.


Dating and Dental Health: How Your Smile Impacts Your Love Life

February 5, 2024

Man and woman smiling and holding a giant heart

February has arrived and you’ve likely noticed all the teddy bears, chocolates, and heart-shaped balloons in every store you visit. It’s a great time of year for couples to plan a romantic date or pop an important question. If you’re single, though, it can feel lonely when there’s so much passion in the air. If you’re wondering why you seem to be so unlucky in love, you may not need to look much further than your smile. Keep reading to learn more about 4 ways your dental health can impact your dating life!
